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New Campus Health Director Looks Forward to Safely Celebrating Christmas, Boxing Day

Get to know Jill Banatoski, M.D., campus health director, whose favorite part of her work is getting to know the students at the University.

December 16, 2020

By Renee Chmiel, Office of Marketing and Communications

Image of Jill Banatoski and her family.
Jill Banatoski, M.D. and her family.

The lifeblood of the University of New Haven are the faculty and staff members who dedicate their lives to helping our students reach their goals. Periodically, we’ll introduce you to a member of the staff so you can learn more about him or her – beyond their day to day work.

Next up is Jill Banatoski, M.D., our new Campus Health Director, who has enjoyed spending time outside hiking, kayaking, and cycling with her family during the pandemic. Among her duties, she and her team are responsible for coordinating the care for students who have tested positive or have been exposed to COVID-19.

Renee Chmiel: Do you celebrate any winter holidays?

Jill Banatoski: My family celebrates Christmas, and we usually attend church on Christmas Eve. We then enjoy a day with family on Christmas Day. This year, of course, will be different because of the pandemic, but I am looking forward to enjoying time with my husband and children.

When I was a child, we celebrated Boxing Day with close family friends from England. My husband and I have adopted that tradition, and we normally have a party for family and friends on the Saturday after Christmas, complete with holiday crackers and paper crowns.

Image of Jill Banatoski and her husband at the beach.
Jill Banatoski, M.D. and her husband at the beach in Wells, Maine.

RC: What was something new you tried this past year?

JB: This past year I started exploring new ways of exercising. I started cycling with my son and I went kayaking with my family for the first time in years.

RC: This past year was certainly challenging, but what was something good that happened to you?

JB: The highlight of the year was a trip I took in August to Wells, Maine, with my family. We rented a house so we could cook all of our meals. We played board games, kayaked, hiked, walked on the beach, and laughed together. It was a nice break from the reality of the pandemic.

RC: What is your favorite thing to do during the winter?

JB: My favorite weekend activity in the winter, pre-pandemic, has been to attend my son's swim meets and my daughter's choral concerts. While I enjoy the beauty of a snowy day, a trip to warm weather on the west coast of Florida is definitely appreciated!

Image of Jill Banatoski and her family kayaking
Jill Banatoski, M.D. and her family went kayaking while visiting Maine over the summer.

RC: What about the coming year are you most looking forward to?

JB: I am looking forward to the end of the pandemic. I hope that vaccine distribution goes smoothly and is universally accepted. I also hope the lives of college students, like my daughter and the students at the University of New Haven, are able to return to a college experience that is what they envisioned. I am also looking forward to my son's graduation from high school.

RC: What is your favorite part about working at the University of New Haven?

JB: My favorite part about working at the University of New Haven is the students. On one of my first days on campus, I met the young women on the as they practiced their routine. I was so impressed with their talent and their dedication, as they were practicing outside in the dark. I have enjoyed getting to know the students at Health Services, and I look forward to continuing to work together with my fellow staff members to be a resource for them.