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Management Major’s Internship Leads to Full-Time Job Offer

As a , Amaya Guzman ’23 has immersed herself in a variety of opportunities within the Pompea College of Business, from helping to create a new student club to serving as a Learning Assistant in the classroom. She’s now looking forward to beginning her career at FactSet, a leading global financial data and technology company.

February 23, 2023

By Renee Chmiel, Office of Marketing and Communications

Amaya Guzman ’23 speaks at the Smerd Pitch Competition.
Amaya Guzman ’23 speaks at the Smerd Pitch Competition.

Throughout her senior year, Amaya Guzman ’23 has been sharing her passion for the University with prospective students and their families. A Pompea College of Business (PCoB) diplomat, she’s been attending Open Houses and Accepted Students Days, telling prospective s about her own experiences. She says it’s been a great way to “give back to a school that has given me so much.”

A business management major, Guzman is reflecting on her time as a as she completes her degree this semester. She says the connections she’s made are a highlight of her time at the University.

“I have absolutely loved getting to know all of my classmates,” she said. “I really enjoy that our class sizes are small and that every class feels like we are working with friends. I also have so much appreciation for my professors who have supported me throughout my job and internship searching. I could not have gotten these opportunities without them.”

‘I learned so much’

Guzman is also leaving a legacy, of sorts, for the students who follow in her footsteps. During the fall of her junior year, she co-founded the University’s Entrepreneurship Club, becoming its inaugural president. Soon after, the club was asked to plan and host the Smerd Pitch Competition, an immersive program that enables undergraduate and graduate students to attend workshops to develop their business ideas, then pitch them to a panel of judges. Top finishers earn seed funding to support their ideas.

The event was such a success that the club was asked to host it again. For Guzman, it was an exciting and transformational experience. It even helped her identify new interests and get a better idea of what she wanted to do after completing her degree.

“I learned so much about event planning and got very comfortable with public speaking,” she said. “The event was such an amazing testament to the dedication the PCoB has for helping students and recognized student organizations thrive. Although I did not pitch in the competition, I learned of my love for helping other students and developed my interests in project management and business development.”

Amaya Guzman ’23 speaks at the Smerd Pitch Competition.
Amaya Guzman ’23 (fourth from left) with her fellow s at the Smerd Pitch Competition.
‘I am so proud to have received an offer’

As a Learning Assistant for David Sacco, MBA, Guzman enjoys helping him in class and teaching her fellow s. The experience has led her to consider becoming a professor herself one day.

After her sophomore year, Guzman completed a sales internship with , an industrial distribution company. She says it was a great way to gain firsthand experience in the corporate world as well as experience as a professional. It also helped prepare her for her second internship.

During her junior year, Guzman took her first finance class with Leah Hartman, J.D., MBA. Prof. Hartman told Guzman, who would go on to add a minor in finance, of a company called FactSet. The global financial data and technology company headquartered in Norwalk, Conn., has a collaboration with the University that endeavors to increase diversity in the finance industry. It includes mentorship programs, access to proprietary software, and internship and career opportunities. It was also where Guzman landed her second internship.

“I was unsure at first, but Prof. Hartman’s support and guidance throughout the interview process is how I was able to get this internship,” said Guzman. “It was an amazing experience doing it last summer and working in financial technology.”

That internship, ultimately, led to a full-time job offer for Guzman. After she accepts her degree this spring, she will begin working as a client solutions associate for FactSet in October.

“Being able to complete my senior year already knowing my post-graduation plans has taken a huge weight off my shoulders,” she said. “I am so proud to have received an offer. I have grown so much as an individual, as I have made the most out of all of the opportunities the PCoB has to offer. I have become a leader, and I feel ready to enter the corporate world once I graduate.”