2023-2024 Resident Assistant Recruitment

Resident Assistants play an integral role in our community by building relationships with residents, supporting students through challenges, and connecting them to campus resources. RAs embark on a journey of both personal and professional development. They undergo extensive, ongoing training and receive professional development opportunities that enhance their overall growth. These experiences prepare RAs to emerge from their leadership roles more confident, skilled, and well-equipped to pursue their post-graduation plans. We invite you on this leadership journey and hope you will help us transform the future of our campus and residential experience.

Application Materials due by Sunday, January 29, 2023

PART 1: Online Application, Cover Letter, Resume, and Professional References

Online Application: The New Resident Assistant application is located on The Office of Residential Life’s Connection page. The application will be located under “Forms”.

Cover Letter and Resume: As part of the application, applicants will be required to submit an updated cover letter and resume. These two documents should be saved as one PDF file and uploaded using the required standard file name provided on the application.

Your resume should include recent employment (if applicable) community service, volunteering, high school or campus involvement, and academic awards of special achievements received. We recommend utilizing the Career Development Center’s services to assist with cover letter and resume writing. Resumes and cover letters may be submitted for an electronic review via my.

Career Development Center

Professional References: Applicants will need to provide 1-2 individuals who can serve as a professional reference and include a phone number and email where that individual can be reached. There is no requirement for a recommendation letter to be submitted.

PART 2: Group Networking & Individual Interview Day

All eligible applicants whose submits a completed application by the Sunday, January 29 deadline will be invited to participate in a networking event and an interview.

Applicants will receive information about signing up for networking event and interview slots by Tuesday, January 31. Interview and networking time-slots are on a first-come, first-served basis.

Networking Event: Friday, February 3

The purpose of the networking event is to better acquaint Residential Life staff with the RA candidates and introduce them to important aspects of the RA role. During the networking event, candidates will meet and interact with other candidates and Residential Life supervisors and engage in dialogue and activities highlighting the RA job.

The suggested attire for the networking event is smart casual.

Interview Day: Saturday, February 4 (and Sunday, February 5 if more interview slots are needed)

The individual interview will be conducted conference style with multiple interviews occurring in one room. Interviews will be run for 1-hour. RA candidates will interview with current RAs and Residential Life supervisors.

The suggested attire for the individual interview is business casual.

PART 3: Decision Letters

After the networking event and individual interviews, applications will be reviewed over a period of 2-3 weeks. Then, the selection committee will meet to hire RAs for the upcoming academic year. Each candidate will receive a decision letter via email letters notifying them of their status Resident Assistant status. These notifications will be sent by Tuesday, February 28. On that day, there are three possible notifications RA candidates could receive:

  1. Offer and Tentative Placement: This is an initial offer which would require notification of acceptance or decline. Individuals will receive notice of the tentative community that they would be placed, but not the specific room or apartment number.
  2. Alternate List: Every year we are fortunate enough to have more qualified candidates than available positions. Throughout the spring, summer, and fall, there is usually some turnover. Alternates are eligible to be offered a position when it becomes available.
  3. No Offer: At this time, the selection committee believes that the individual could benefit from further development and experience before being eligible for the position.

As a reminder, if you have questions about the selection process, please contact us at RASelection@newhaven.edu.