Provost Search

The University’s Board of Governors is leading a comprehensive national search to identify the next provost. This effort is being led by a search committee of students, faculty, and administration that is supported by .

Regular updates will be provided via this webpage. Opportunities for University community members to get involved will be announced throughout this process.

Upcoming in-person community forums with finalists (April 9, 2024)

Dear Members of the University Community,

We are pleased to share an update regarding the search for our next provost. We were excited that there was a large and diverse pool of 91 applicants for this position. Of these 91 applicants, 33 were female and 33 were from underrepresented backgrounds.

The Search Committee carefully and thoroughly reviewed the applicants’ materials and then as a committee discussed the applicants to reach consensus on which candidates would be invited for Zoom interviews. Of the impressive 12 candidates chosen for the semifinalist interviews, nine were female and four were from underrepresented groups.

The semifinalist interviews were held virtually over a two-day period. These interviews were illustrative and informative, allowing the Search Committee to know each candidate a bit better and the strengths each candidate would bring to the University. The committee was able to share feedback regarding the candidates with President Frederiksen whom we thank for engaging with us as part of this process.

We are delighted to let you know that we have identified four finalist individuals who will be invited to campus for day-long interviews and to meet with our University community. These interviews will be held during the week of April 22. There will be “open forum” times for the community to meet and engage with these individuals. Below are the scheduled times for the open forums:

  • Provost Candidate #1: Community Forum – Mon., April 22, 3:30-4:30 p.m.
    Gehring Hall/ Lee Institute, Classroom 301
  • Provost Candidate #2: Community Forum – Tues., April 23, 3:30-4:30 p.m.
    Bartels Campus Center, Alumni Lounge
  • Provost Candidate #3: Community Forum – Wed., April 24, 10-11 a.m.
    Dodds Hall, Bucknall Theater
  • Provost Candidate #4: Community Forum – Thurs., April 25, 2:45-3:45 p.m.
    German Club Ballroom
  • Provost Candidate #5: Community Forum – Friday, April 26, 3:30-4:30 p.m.
    Gehring Hall/ Lee Institute, Classroom 301

Please attend as many of these forums as your schedules will allow.

We would like to thank the members of the search committee for their time, their careful consideration of each candidate, and the integrity they showed in conducting these long days of interviews.

Finally, as we move toward the on-campus interviews, we would like to remind the community of the confidential nature of this process. We look forward to you meeting the finalists.


Betsy Francis-Connolly and Bob Albright
Provost Search Committee Co-Chairs

Older Updates
  • Dear Members of the University Community,

    We are writing to share with you an update on the Provost Search process. The Search Committee has met with our search partners at WittKieffer (the same firm that is assisting with the Presidential Search). WittKieffer has held several listening sessions with stakeholders from across the University. Together, we have created a Provost Leadership Profile with input from the listening sessions. The process of promoting the position and placing ads in major academic venues as well as recruiting candidates has begun.

    We are so appreciative of the work of the members of the search committee as we enter this critical phase of the search.

    Thank you to the members of the Community for your participation in the listening sessions and active engagement with this search process. We look forward to keeping you updated as the search continues.

    Our best regards,

    Betsy Francis-Connolly and Bob Albright,
    Provost Search Committee Co-Chairs

  • Dear Members of the University Community,

    I am writing to provide an update on our provost search. In preparation for the launch of this search, a committee has been formed and search co-chairs have been selected. The committee includes:

    • Co-Chair: Robert Albright, Ph.D., Faculty member and chair, Pompea College of Business
    • Co-Chair: Betsy Francis-Connolly, Ph.D., Dean, School of Health Sciences
    • Trena Bethune, M.S., Director of Operations and Budgets, Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences
    • Amy Carlile, Ph.D., Faculty member and chair, College of Arts and Sciences
    • Nicolas Cortes Arango ’24 M.S., Pompea College of Business
    • Lisa Dadio, M.S., Assistant dean and faculty member, Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences
    • Ali Golbazi, Ph.D., Faculty member and chair, Tagliatela College of Engineering
    • Sarbjeet Kaur, M.S., Faculty member, Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences
    • Barbara Lawrence, J.D., MPA, Vice president for institutional equity and diversity
    • Aiyannah Lewis, ’24, College of Arts and Sciences

    I would like to thank each committee member for their service as part of this very important search. I greatly enjoyed the engaging conversations I had during the process of forming this committee.

    The co-chairs have started their work and are taking part in planning conversations with WittKieffer, our search partners. Next steps will include convening the committee, organizing listening sessions for community members to share their feedback, and creating the leadership profile. Construction of the provost search webpage is currently underway. 

    The anticipated timeline for this search, which is outlined below, is being planned so that the individual selected as our president-elect can participate in the latter stages of the provost search and, ultimately, choose the candidate.

    • December-January: Community listening sessions
    • Mid-January: Search launch
    • April: Interviews 
    • May: Provost appointed prior to Commencement

    Please plan to participate in the listening sessions and begin thinking about individuals you might nominate to share with WittKieffer.

    Co-chairs Dr. Albright and Dr. Francis-Connolly will keep the community updated throughout this process. I hope you have an enjoyable Thanksgiving with your loved ones.


    Mike Ambrose ’84
    Vice Chair, Board of Governors
    Chair, Presidential Search Committee

  • Dear Members of the University Community,

    I am writing to provide an update on the presidential search. I have received a very positive update from WittKieffer, the executive search firm supporting us throughout this process, reporting that they have engaged with a number of high-quality candidates.

    The individuals our consultants have spoken with have expressed a strong interest in the opportunity to join our community, citing our enrollment growth, financial stability, multiple campus locations, and the University’s mission and commitment to innovation.

    We are thankful for those who have nominated qualified individuals for WittKieffer to speak with about the position. You can continue to make nominations by .

    The search committee is entering a more behind-the-scenes period as we prepare to review candidates. Some of our tasks will include evaluating applications, determining interview questions, and preparing for the assessment of interested candidates.

    Finally, I am pleased to share that our provost search is set to begin. A search committee will be named soon. The provost search committee will also be supported by WittKieffer. The expectation continues to be that the individual named president would select the individual who will serve as provost.

    Looking ahead, I expect to provide our next update at the beginning of December. As we approach the Thanksgiving season, I would like to, on behalf of the entire presidential search committee, express our gratitude to each of you for your active engagement throughout this process. Thank you for your continued support.


    Mike Ambrose ’84
    Vice Chair, Board of Governors
    Chair, Presidential Search Committee