Bachelor of Science In Marine & Environmental Sciences

"At the University of New Haven, I developed important research and critical thinking skills in my classes and labs that will be extremely beneficial as I pursue my doctorate," says Samantha Davern ’19, a candidate in the doctor of veterinary medicine program at Tufts University.

An Ecosystem of Opportunity

If ever a program was built completely around hands-on, high-impact practical learning experiences, it’s this one: our B.S. in Marine and Environmental Sciences program. Starting with your first year, you will be in, on, and around the water, acquiring the skills that will help launch your professional career.

The coastal region of Connecticut is home to an extraordinarily rich diversity of species and ecosystems. As one of the most complex coastal estuarine systems in the world, Long Island Sound is a marine and environmental scientist’s paradise — and that paradise is only minutes from the University of New Haven campus. As you immerse yourself in the program and in the many field trips to these ecosystems, you will learn about all of the world’s oceans, terrestrial, and marine environments and organisms, and the fascinating ways humans interact with them. Humans are inextricably linked with the world’s oceans and coasts. For the world’s populations, these ecosystems have always served as sources of food, medicine, energy, commerce, education, recreation, and well-being. This program will give you a more profound knowledge of this interconnectedness through a multidisciplinary approach grounded in biological and earth sciences, social science, and policy.

Our B.S. in Marine and Environmental Sciences has three concentrations you can choose from:

  • Marine Biology
  • Marine Policy
  • Environmental Science
Why Choose the University of New Haven for Marine & Environmental Sciences?
  1. Students start major coursework in their first year. That’s uncommon. Most other schools insist on a year or two of prerequisites first. Our program puts you on the fast track to success.
  2. High-impact practical learning. Nothing sets you up for success like doing things for yourself. Students take the theory they learn in class and put it into practice through a number of hands-on learning opportunities, including:
    • Service learning courses. Students gain first-hand experience by putting their skills to work for the community.
    • Study abroad. Students choose either semester-long programs at schools in Australia, South Africa, and Scotland or shorter-term, faculty-led programs in Alaska, Cape Cod, New Hampshire, and the Bahamas.
    • Faculty-mentored research. Students work with faculty either during the school year or over the summer through grant-funded projects. They often present their work at scientific conferences.
    • Internships. Our students have been successful in obtaining competitive internships through the National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration and the National Science Foundation. They also intern at local aquariums and marine laboratories such as the Norwalk and Mystic aquariums and at nonprofits such as Save the Sound and Green Wave.
  3. Magnificent field sites. The Banca Salt Marsh is an incredibly diverse, everchanging ecosystem in Branford, Connecticut, and is owned by the University. It’s a prime location for student field exercises and research projects. We also maintain a partnership with the Gerace Research Center on San Salvador Island in the Bahamas, where our students routinely take courses and engage in research.
  4. An opportunity to study at the Isles of Shoals, made possible by the Bartels Scholarship. This group of small islands and tidal ledges, six miles off the coast between New Hampshire and Maine, is home to 256 species of invertebrates, 139 species of algae, 49 species of fish, and 145 species of birds, as well as a prestigious marine laboratory. Read about one student’s experiences at:
  5. Career and graduate school placement. Our students experience a high rate of success after graduation in landing employment or admission to graduate schools, including veterinary and law schools. They hold positions at a wide range of private- and public-sector organizations, including nonprofits, federal and state government agencies, research institutions and universities, aquaculture companies, aquariums, private companies, and the Peace Corps.

Learn from professors who are dedicated to your success.

Our faculty are leaders and innovators in their fields, bringing both deep professional experience and academic rigor to the classroom.

Envision Your Future

The information below is designed to show the many possible careers you could pursue with your major. The research is provided by Encoura, the leading research and advisory firm focused exclusively on higher education. It includes median national salaries and industry growth projections over the next decade. Click here to view the full report.


Fishery Biologist

4% Growth 2017-2027


Environmental Scientist

11% Growth 2017-2027



8% Growth 2017-2027

Selected Courses
  • This course is required for all first-year students in their initial semester. Every week, students will engage in fieldwork in the marine environments of southern Connecticut. They will learn the primary tools and techniques employed by marine scientists to study marine organisms and environments, including water column and sediment sampling techniques, marine organism identification, and proper usage of marine field equipment both onboard ships and along the coast.

  • Today's environmental problems have scientific, social, and political aspects to them. This course will focus on the scientific aspects but will not ignore the other two. Student will be introduced to the geology, biology, physics, and chemistry behind the problems and to the social and political difficulties inherent in dealing with them. Through a combination of lectures, case histories, in-class discussions, and observation of the environmental decision-making process at work, students will gain an understanding of the complex nature of environmental problems and of the choices that must be made in solving them.

  • In this course students will examine the world’s marine resources from the perspectives of usage and management efforts. Case studies will be used to look at the economic, legal, and policy issues along with conservation measures.

  • This course investigates the major subdisciplines of ecology including organismal, population, community ecosystem, and landscape ecology as well as the human impacts and environmental management and assessment. The laboratory portion includes designing ecological studies, field sampling techniques, and ecological analysis.

  • The University of New Haven offers a wide variety of in-depth courses that create a transformational educational experience for our students. To view the complete list of courses you'll take while pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Marine & Environmental Sciences, check out the Academic Catalog:

    • Environmental Science Concentration
    • Marine Biology Concentration
    • Marine Policy Concentration

Upcoming Undergraduate °µÍø½ûÇø Events

There are a variety of opportunities for you to learn more about our programs, what it is like to be a student here, and the scholarships, assistantships and financial aid that we offer. Whether you want to meet us on campus or online, we have something for you.

Next Steps
  • Whether you're still in high school or are transferring from another college, we offer full- and part-time opportunities for undergraduates from inside the U.S. and abroad. The admission process can begin as early as the end of your high school junior year.

    The Application Process

  • We offer a comprehensive financial aid program, with students receiving assistance in the form of grants, scholarships, student loans, and part-time employment. Funds are available from federal and state governments, private sponsors, and from university resources. More than 85 percent of the University's full-time undergraduate students receive some form of financial assistance.

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