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Marine Biology Alumnae Earn Doctorates, Share Passion for Research

As undergraduates at the University of New Haven, Danielle Perry ’15 and Shaunna Kraatz Phipps ’13 discovered a passion for marine biology and started on career paths that have enabled both of them to pursue impactful research and earn their Ph.Ds.

May 5, 2020

By Renee Chmiel, Office of Marketing and Communications

Danielle Perry and Shaunna Phipps
Danielle Perry (left) uses a gas analyzer to measure greenhouse gases; Shaunna Phipps working in the lab.

As a student at the University of New Haven, Danielle Perry ’15 immersed herself in researching salt marsh environments while working on her Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship project with Roman Zajac, Ph.D. She says the experience was “highly influential” in shaping her career path.

With Dr. Zajac’s encouragement, Perry went on to apply for , a competitive -sponsored research program for students studying science, engineering, or mathematics. She was accepted, and her experience in Monterey Bay, California, enabled her to continue to study salt marshes and the threats they face. Her subsequent research into macroalgae with Amy Carlile, Ph.D., also provided good preparation for graduate school.

“My training as a scientific researcher started at the University of New Haven, and it supplied me with the fundamental skills I needed to complete and design research projects,” said Perry, who earned degrees in marine biology and environmental science. “I learned the importance of networking and taking advantage of opportunities. This has opened doors for me that I am still benefiting from today.”

Danielle Perry with her research poster.
Danielle Perry presents her research at her first conference as an undergraduate student.
‘I want to be part of the solution to save these important resources’

As part of her research with Dr. Carlile, Perry studied the impacts of macroalgal accumulation in salt marshes in Rhode Island. She discovered that plants in these environments appear to be tolerant of current macroalgal accumulation, but they become intolerant as accumulations increase due to climate change.

After successfully defending her dissertation virtually in early April, Perry will graduate from the doctorate program in biological and environmental sciences later this spring.

Now working for as its statewide climate change adaptation ecologist, she evaluates the vulnerabilities of the organization’s environmental sanctuaries and implements climate change adaptation projects to improve their resilience. She also conducts outreach to young students from populations that are traditionally underrepresented in the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields.

“Salt marshes protect developed coastal areas from flooding and storms, lessening damage to buildings,” she said. “I want to help spread awareness of the importance of these habitats, especially in areas such as New England that have high coastal development. Climate change is quickly degrading these coastal environments, and I want to be part of the solution to save these important resources for generations to come.”

Amy Carlile, Ph.D., and Shaunna Phipps.
Amy Carlile, Ph.D., (left) and Shaunna Phipps.
‘There is nothing more rewarding than working with young, bright minds and seeing them go on to great success’

Perry is one of two graduates of the University’s marine biology program who recently earned a doctorate. In February, Shaunna Kraatz Phipps ’13 defended her dissertation as part of her Ph.D. program in Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior at . She was Dr. Carlile’s first research student at the University of New Haven.

“It's been such a joy to see these two women progress from first-year undergraduate students to exceptional scientists,” said Dr. Carlile, an associate professor and chair of the University’s Department of Biology and Environmental Science. “The faculty-mentored research we offer in the Department of Biology and Environmental Science is a real cornerstone of our programs. As an educator, there is nothing more rewarding than working with young, bright minds and seeing them go on to great success.”

Phipps credits Dr. Carlile, and classes such as “Marine Botany,” with helping her to discover her passion for marine biology. She fondly remembers being a part of an REU opportunity with Dr. Carlile, which enabled her to spend the summer of her junior year conducting research on freshwater algae on the Hawaiian island of Oahu.

“Taking fascinating, field-specific courses at the University showed me how successful and driven you can be when you love the course material,” she said. “Great relationships with professors and courses that exposed us to people in the field prepared me for the next steps after graduation.”

‘The amazing thing about science is the tools you learn are transferable across fields’

For her dissertation, Phipps studied a primarily fresh water green alga that has a wide range of salinity tolerance and is more closely related to land plants than other green algae. Focusing on two species – one salt sensitive and one salt tolerant – she confirmed the presence of genes regulating salt tolerance in the two species as the same present in land plants, and she found additional genes only in the salt-tolerant species.

Phipps especially enjoyed the research because it brought together the topics she enjoys learning about the most, including evolution, physiology of seaweed, and molecular biology, enabling her to incorporate different areas of biology.

“I would love to continue my career path in research,” said Phipps, who is now working on writing several manuscripts for publication. “The amazing thing about science is the tools you learn are transferable across fields. Although I would love to continue to study algae or plants, it is most important to me to answer exciting questions and to continue to move science forward.”