In the Media: November 2022

In the Media

The University of New Haven community took part in a rally along with hundreds of other universities across the globe to stand in solidarity with the University of Guelphin Iran as they protest the treatment of women in their country. Among those attending the rally were Interim President Sheahon Zenger and Ali Golbazi, professor and chair of electrical and computer engineering.

In the Media

Kenneth Gray, a senior lecturer of criminal justice, discusses the search led by the FBI and local and state law enforcement agencies, including electronic billboards, for a man accused of the murder of his 11-month-old daughter here in Connecticut.

In the Media

Vahid Behzadan, assistant professor of data and computer science, cybersecurity, and computer and electrical engineering, discusses a rally at the University of New Haven and hundreds of other universities across the globe to stand in solidarity with the University of Guelph in Iran. Students are protesting the treatment of women after the death of Iranian Mahsa Amini by the morality police in Iran, the death of a 10-year-old boy Kian Pirfalak, and violence against marginalized Kurdish communities.

In the Media

Kenneth Gray, a senior lecturer of criminal justice, discusses the search led by the FBI and local and state law enforcement agencies for a man accused of the murder of his 11-month-old daughter. The suspect may appear soon on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted List.

In the Media

Michael Lawlor, associate professor of criminal justice, spoke at a symposium on advocacy and litigation efforts toward pretrial justice reform. The panel included State Senator Martin Looney, president pro tempore of the Connecticut Senate; Tehra Coles, senior policy counsel at the Civil Rights Corps; and Jonathan Silbert, a retired Connecticut Superior Court judge.

In the Media

Robert McDonald, a criminal justice lecturer, discusses how security details work with local law enforcement agencies in preparation for dignitaries, such as the Prince and Princess of Wales, on their visit to Boston for months before their arrival.

In the Media

GSB President and CEO Timothy Geelan '01 MBA is the new board chairman of the Connecticut Bankers Association.

In the Media

William Carbone, a distinguished lecturer of criminal justice, comments on the city of Atlanta imposing a curfew for those under the age of 17 after recent gun violence that killed a 12-year-old and wounded several other teens.

In the Media

Beth Merkin, a lecturer of criminal justice, explains what accelerated rehabilitation is and how it works in the State of Connecticut.

In the Media

Easton McDonald '22 M.S. is a finalist for the Charlottesville Police Department's chief of police position.

In the Media

Brian Marks, seni or lecturer of economics and business analytics, executive director of the Entrepreneurship & Innovation Program, and an instructor in Health Administration and Policy discusses why the housing market prices are dropping. At the same time, interest rates on mortgages continue to rise.

In the Media

The City of New Haven was ranked ten th for the best midsize college cities and towns based on academic, social, and economic opportunities for students.

In the Media

The City of New Haven was ranked tenth for the best midsize college cities and towns based on academic, social, and economic opportunities for students.

In the Media

Kaitlyn Burrus, former assistant director of residential life, and Saniyah Brinney ’23 president of the Undergraduate Student Government Association, took part in annual tree lighting festival with Mayor Nancy R. Rossi on the West Haven Green.

In the Media

Peter Van Ness, a lecturer of business management and coordinator of the M.S. in Cyber Risk Management program, discusses how consumers should be aware of scams and avoid clicking on links to unknown websites on Cyber Monday.

In the Media

Virginia Maxwell, professor and assistant chair of forensic science, talks about a recent animal hoarding issue involving 200 cats and some of the reasons this happens.

In the Media

John DeCarlo, professor and director of the Master's Program in Criminal Justice, was mentioned in thi s article, citing a recent Newsweek story he was quoted in.

In the Media

Bradley Woodworth, associate professor of history, discusses the latest on the war in Ukraine and what is happening with the people of Ukraine.

In the Media

Matthew Schmidt, associate professor of international affairs, national security, and political science, discusses how Russian President Vladimir Putin is usin g winter weather conditions to sabotage energy plants, leaving people in the cold in Ukraine.

In the Media

Chris Haynes, associate professor of political science and legal studies, discusses the midterm election results and the accuracy of polls.

In the Media

John DeCarlo, professor and director of the Master's Program in Criminal Justice, comments on why Idaho police may be holding back information in the case of four University of Idaho students who were murdered in their off-campus house.

In the Media

Robert McDonald, a lecturer of criminal justice, advises students and parents to get back to basics on safety discussions.

In the Media

David Sacco, a practitioner in residence of finance, explains why more regulation may not be the answer for the cryptocurrency industry.

In the Media

Janet Garcia-Hallett, associate professor of criminal justice, discusses her new book, Invisible Mothers, and what inspired her to write it.

In the Media

The University of New Haven was one of the institutions participating in a study conducted by the New England Transfer Guarantee Enrollment Report that examined efforts to promote educational opportunities for residents of New England states.

In the Media

Brian Otis, vice president for advancement, wrote an op-ed on the importance of giving this holiday season.

In the Media

Jan Jones, lecturer and program coordinator of the hospitality and tourism program, discusses how the industry is returning to pre-pandemic levels for travel this holiday weekend.

In the Media

Matthew Schmidt, associate professor of international affairs, national security, and political science, comments on why President Alexander Lukashenko stands in the way of Belarus breaking ties with Russia to be independent, like Ukraine.

In the Media

John DeCarlo, professor of criminal justice, comments on the urgency of police to inform the public to be vigilant after four students were fatally stabbed in Moscow, Idaho, as the suspect is still at large.

In the Media

Lisa Dadio, assistant dean of the Lee College, director of the Center for Advanced Policing, and coordinator for the M.S. in Investigations, discusses the case of a mother from Georgia who went for a walk and has not been seen since.

In the Media

Jan Jones, lecturer and coordinator of hospitality and tourism, talks about t ravel for the Thanksgiving holiday and offers tips for booking spring and summer vacations.

In the Media

Patrick Gourley, associate professor of economics, talks about how long the high price of food will last and when consumers can get relief.

In the Media

Michael Lawlor, associate professor of criminal justice, discusses the case of a man out on special parole who is now accused of the death of his 22-month-old daughter.

In the Media

David Sacco, a practitioner in residence of finance, discusses the solvency of other cryptocurrency companies and their future after FTX losing billions for their investors.

In the Media

Brian Marks, senior lecturer of economics and business analytics, executive director of the Entrepreneurship & Innovation Program, and an instructor in Health Administration and Policy, discusses the rece nt issue with Ticketmaster and why venues and artists continue to use the company.

In the Media

Angeli Gianchandani, a practitioner in residence of marketing and MBA program, says Black Friday has now become a shopping season that starts in September and into January.

In the Media

Michael Lawlor, associate professor of criminal justice, discusses the need to change bail laws that allowed a man out on special parole is now accused in the death of his 11-month-old daughter and is on the run.

In the Media

Michele Smallidge, lecturer, and director of the B.S. in Exercise Science program, comments on behavioral reasons for how and when you should eat on Thanksgiving.

In the Media

Virginia Maxwell, assistant chair and professor of forensic science, discusses the three basic types of animal hoarders and the difficulties in processing this type of crime scene.

In the Media

John Rosen, an adjunct professor of economics, explains why Disney's streaming services are money-losing propositions, pre dicting it will get worse in 2023.

In the Media

Declan Hill, associate professor of investigations, commented on Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's silence on the World Cup being held in Qatar amid human rights violations.

In the Media

Bradley Woodworth, associate professor of history, and Matthew Schmidt, associate professor of international affairs, national security, and political science, discuss how many in Russia are still loyal to President Vladimir Putin, including oligarchs who may use their influence to buy his safety to end the war.

In the Media

Declan Hill, associate professor of investigations, had his book The Fix: Soccer and Organized Crime recommended for his insight into the world of the sport.

In the Media

Howard Stoffer, professor of national security and international affairs, discusses the meeting between U.S. President Joe Biden and President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China during the G20 summit.

In the Media

Chris Haynes, associate professor of political science and adviser for the University of New Haven's Mayor's Advisory Commission, will sponsor a Facebook live town hall meeting on November 29 at 6 pm with West Haven Mayor Nancy Rossi.

In the Media

Declan Hill, associate professor of investigations, commented on the World Cup being h eld in Qatar amid human rights violations.

In the Media

Declan Hill, associate professor of investigations, was profiled for his work in investigations focusing on sports corruption and match-fixing in professional soccer.

In the Media

Michael Lawlor, associate professor of criminal justice, discusses a bill before the U.S. Senate that would provide protection for same-sex and interracial marriages after Roe v. Wade was struck down by the Supreme Court.

In the Media

Trish Crouse, a practitioner in residence of political science and legal studies, discusses the results of a midterm exit poll the issues that were most important to voters when casting their ballot.

In the Media

Bradley Woodworth, associate professor of history, wrote an op-ed on a missile hitting a small village in Poland, as the war in nearby Ukraine continues.

In the Media

Frank Chen, associate professor of accounting, finance, and marketing, discusses crypto company FTX and the global impact on the industry's lack of regulations and security.

In the Media

Declan Hill, associate professor of investigations, writes about his decision not to watch soccer due to human-rights violations in Qatar, which is hosting the 2022 World Cup.

In the Media

Matthew Schmidt, associate professor of international affairs, national security, and political science, discusses the missile fired into Poland and who is, ultimately, responsible.

In the Media

Robert Sanders, a senior lecturer of national security, talks about the impact of a missile that hit Poland as the war in Ukraine continues and the actions NATO immediately implemented. He conducted the interview live in his national security class.

In the Media

Kenneth Gray, senior lecturer of criminal justice and homeland security, discusses the addition of a violent crime task force unit to assist police with stopping gangs and gang-related crimes.

In the Media

High school students from Paterson, New Jersey, visited the University of New Haven as part of the Upward Bound Math Science Program.

In the Media

The University of New Haven was recognized as one of the U.S. universities that offers plant-based menu items in its dining halls.

In the Media

James Mohs, associate professor of accounting and taxation, and David Sacco, a practitioner in residence of finance, comment on layaways making a comeback for consumers who need time to purchase an item in installment payments over the holiday season.

In the Media

Brian Marks, senior lecturer of economics and business analytics, executive director of the Entrepreneurship & Innovation Program, and an instructor in Health Administration and Policy, comments on a federal court issuing a nationwide injunction barring the student loan debt relief program and how it impacts the loan repayment pause that expires December 31, 2022.

In the Media

Robert Sanders, a senior lecturer of national security, discusses what it means for the U.S. going forward after missiles struck an area in Poland, killing two civilians.

In the Media

Matthew Schmidt, associate professor of international affairs, national security, and political science, discusses two missiles hitting an area in Poland and how NATO will respond.

In the Media

Bradley Woodworth, associate professor of history, discusses missiles fired into Poland, if Russia is responsible, and how NATO will react.

In the Media

Kenneth Gray, senior lecturer of criminal justice and homeland security, and Michael Lawlor, associate professor of criminal justice, comment that former President Donald Trump would have the protection of the Secret Service if ever convicted of a crime and sent to prison.

In the Media

Bradley Woodworth, associate professor of history, discusses the latest developments in the war in Ukraine and a conference he attended on Russia’s human rights violations.

In the Media

Mario Hicks ‘11 MBA has been appointed vice president at Daemen University overseeing institutional advancement.

In the Media

The University of New Haven's Department of Communication, Film, and Media Studies will record a panel discussion at West Haven High School on how today's poets help us understand history and culture on Saturday, November 19.

In the Media

James Mohs, associate professor of accounting and taxation, gave some helpful recommendations on making a budget to plan for holiday spending, advising that shoppers should be aware of emotional purchases.

In the Media

Patrick Gourley, associate professor of economics, talks about the rising cost of food and why prices won’t come down anytime soon.

In the Media

Matthew Schmidt, associate professor of international affairs, national secu rity, and political science, gave an interview on the rebuilding efforts in Ukraine, similar to the Marshall Plan developed before World War II was over on how to rebuild Europe.

In the Media

Michael Lawlor, associate professor of criminal justice, comments on why police union endorsements didn't help Republican candidates get elected in Connecticut.

In the Media

David Sacco, a practitioner in residence of finance, comments on crypto exchange company FTX and how regulators at the federal government did not understand this market to properly protect investors.

In the Media

Matthew Schmidt, associate professor of international affairs, national security, and political science, comments on Russian President Vladimir Putin's inability to control negative social media postings from his armies, an issue his predecessors' from the former Soviet Union did not deal with.

In the Media

Robert Sanders, a senior lecturer of national security, discusses the importance of shipbuilding yards for the military for future protection if needed.

In the Media

Patrick Gourley, associate professor of economics, breaks down the U.S. Bureau of Labor’s CPI report for goods and services for October.

In the Media

Matthew Schmidt, associate professor of international affairs, national security, and political science, comments on the impact the midterm elections results will have on the next two years in politics.

In the Media

Trish Crouse, a practitioner in residence of political science and legal studies, talks about the results of the Hayes-Logan race in Connecticut's 5th Congressional District.

In the Media

Robert Powers, associate professor of forensic science, comments on how forensic toxicology determined ethylene glycol, a component found in antifreeze, was used to murder a family for insurance money.

In the Media

Trish Crouse, a practitioner in residence of political science and legal studies, analyzes how having more republicans elected in Connecticut would help balance the political scales.

In the Media

Lisa Dadio, assistant dean of the Lee College, director of the Center for Advanced Policing, and coordinator for the M.S. in Investigations, discusses a few cases of criminals that asked for leniency because they claimed they were too pretty for jail after being convicted.

In the Media

Trish Crouse, a practitioner in residence of political science and legal studies, talks about the tight race in Connecticut's 5th Congressional District and the chances of a republican winning a seat at the federal level in the next election.

In the Media

The University’s 21st Annual Veteran’s Day observance included guest speakers Sergeant Major of the Army Michael A. Grinston, the Army’s top enlisted leader, and Army Major Kristen Griest, one of the first two women to graduate from Ranger School in 2015 and the first female infantry officer in U.S. history. Ten veteran students also received the Connecticut Wartime Service Medal.

In the Media

Sergeant Major of the Army Michael Grinston visited the University of New Haven to speak to students during a Veterans Day Ceremony.

In the Media

Patricia Crouse, a practit ioner in residence of political science and legal studies, joined FOX61 morning hosts Tim Lammers and Erika Arias for analysis of the midterm election results.

In the Media

Angela Chapman ’12 MBA has been elected as a Corporator for Thomaston Savings Bank.

In the Media

Robert Sanders, a senior lecturer of national security, talks about security that is in place to ensure there is no interference with an election.

In the Media

Patrick Gourley, associate professor of economics, says a dispute in midterm election results may cause a market fluctuation.

In the Media

Chris Haynes, associate professor of political science and legal studies, talks about the midterm elections as voting is underway.

In the Media

Michael Lawlor, associate professor of criminal justice, comments on Glock switches that can change a semi-automatic pistol into a hand-held machine gun and how police can recognize the switch.

In the Media

Lisa Dadio, assistant dean of the Lee College, director of the Center for Advanced Policing, and coordinator for the M.S. in Investigations, discusses a case of a woman being buried alive in a shallow grave after being beaten and tied by her husband amid a pending divorce settlement.

In the Media

Trish Crouse, a practitioner in residence of political science and legal studies, talks about how the Secretary of the State's responsibility to prevent voter fraud has become critical in recent years.

In the Media

Chris Haynes, associate professor of political science and legal studies, discusses how former President Trump changed how politicians behave toward each other.

In the Media

Chris Haynes, associate professor of political science and legal studies, talks about the midterm elections and public opinion polls.

In the Media

John DeCarlo, professor and director of the Master’s program in Criminal Justice, discusses how the fear of crime put city of New York out of business for residents.

In the Media

Mo Cayer, distinguished lecturer and coordinator of the M.S. in Human Resources program, talks about the number of jobs available for the holiday season for delivery services, but few brick-and-mortar stores.

In the Media

Bobby McDonald, a lecturer of criminal justice, says parents should talk to their children about what to do if they feel unsafe while out in their neighborhoods.

In the Media

Janet Garcia-Hallett, assistant professor of criminal justice, discusses her new book, Invisible Mothers, answers questions about her book, and gives some advice for first-gen scholars like her.

In the Media

Frank Chen, associate professor of finance, comments on the Federal Reserve raising interest rates again while consumer confidence is at an all-time low.

In the Media

Howard Stoffer, professor of national security and political science, discusses the latest developments in the war in Ukraine, including Russia's threat of nuclear weapons.

In the Media

Robert Sanders, a senior lecturer of national security, discusses the voter intimidation law after a campaign coordinator encouraged supporters to get there late and form a long line on Election Day.

In the Media

Matthew Schmidt, associate professor of international affairs, national security, and political science, comments on the recent development of Iran supplying Russia with drones to attack Ukraine.

In the Media

Claire Glynn, associate professor and director of the graduate certificate in Forensic Genetic Genealogy, discusses the advances of forensic DNA technology helping to solve decades old cold-case crimes.

In the Media

Michael Lawlor, associate professor of criminal justice, discusses why a new law on the complete banning of assault weapons in Connecticut will be difficult to pass.

In the Media

Michael Lawlor, associate professor of criminal justice, comments on why there may have been misinformation circulating on the police accountability law.

In the Media

Bobby McDonald, a lecturer of criminal justice, discusses the rise in threats to politicians and their families.

In the Media

Vahid Behzadan, assistant professor of data and computer science, cybersecurity, and computer and electrical engineering, says that although you are far more likely to be hit by lightning, it is fun to have the shared experience and daydream about winning the Powerball jackpot over a billion dollars.

In the Media

Matthew Schmidt, associate professor of national security, international affairs, and political science, comments on the history of American politics and the violence now associated with political parties.

In the Media

Trish Crouse, a practitioner in residence for political science and legal studies, comments on why there is growing support for early voting in communities of color.