Criminal Justice Ph.D. Program Student Research and Scholarship

Fall 2022
  • Recent Ph.D. Graduates

    Penny Geyer (Oct 2022)
    Dissertation Title: Evaluating the Panoptic Deterrent Effect of SkyWatch Surveillance Towers: A Mixed Methods Analysis

    Michele Vittorio (May 2022)
    Dissertation Title: More Click-Click, Less Bam-Bam: An Analysis of the Structure of a Contemporary Criminal Organization

    Tim Daty (December 2021)
    Dissertation Title: Cheating from a Distance: An Examination of Academic Dishonesty Among University Students

    Lanmeng Ma (December 2021)
    Dissertation Title: The Effects of Family Structure Stability and Parenting Practices on Juvenile Delinquency: Variations by Immigrant Generational Status and Race/Ethnicity

    Joe Dule (May 2021)
    Dissertation Title: Estimating the Psychological Impact of Mass Shooting and Terrorist Attacks on Remote Populations

    Eric Dlugolenski (May 2021)
    Dissertation Title: Policing: Is Procedural Justice the Panacea for Order-Maintenance Policing?

    Kathryn Kleis (May 2020)
    Dissertation Title: The Cost of Caring: Exploring the Experience of Compassion Fatigue among Law Enforcement

    Meredith Emigh-Guy (August 2019)
    Dissertation Title: The More Things Change: An Analysis of the Characteristics of Homicide from 1980-2015

    Kristen Elink-Schuurman-Laura (December 2018)
    Dissertation Title: Impact of Forensic Databases on Arrest, Conviction, and Sentencing

    John Hitzeman (December 2018)
    Dissertation Title: A Social Network Analysis Approach to Identify Predictors of Promotion and Correlation of Charged Corruption within the Chinese Communist Party

    Tracy Tully (December 2018)
    Dissertation Title: The Impact of Juvenile Mental Health, Family Factors, and Substance Use on Recidivism in Adolescence and Early Adulthood: Analysis of the Pathways to Desistance Data

    Jon Iadonisi (May 2018)
    Dissertation Title: A Proposed Framework for Assessing Terrorist Exploitation of Social Networks

    Melissa Inglis (May 2018)
    Dissertation Title: An Examination of Key Determinants of Violent Victimization, Violent Behavior and Injury Type in Prison: Is Prison Violence Triggered by Importation or Deprivation?

    Joshua Regan (May 2018)
    Dissertation Title: The Maritime Piracy Index

    Alexis Hayton (December 2017)
    Dissertation Title: Understanding Factors that Impact Cyberbullying Offending & Victimization

  • Students Admitted to Doctoral Candidacy

    Sherry Siller
    Dissertation Title: Modern Characteristics of Domestic Extremists: A Study of Extremists in the United States

    Peter Massey
    Dissertation Title: The Perception of the CSI Effect and its Possible Changes on Evidence Examinations Requested of the Connecticut Department of Public Safety and Scientific Services Forensic Laboratory

    John Murphy
    Dissertation Title: Disciplinary Actions and Higher Education: A Study of Florida Law Enforcement Officers from 2000-2015

  • Recent Research & Scholarship

    Daty, T. (2019). A Review of Use of Research Evidence by Criminal Justice Professionals. ACJS Today, 45(2).

    Daty, T., Myers, D., & Kringen, J. A. (2019). Newhallville Safe Neighborhood Initiative: Second Year Progress Report. Bureau of Justice Assistance Grant.

    Daty, T., Myers, D., & Kringen, J. A. (2019). Newhallville Safe Neighborhood Initiative: Second Year Annual Report. Bureau of Justice Assistance Grant.

    Daty, T., Myers, D., & Kringen, J. A. (2018). Newhallville Safe Neighborhood Initiative: Progress Report. Bureau of Justice Assistance Grant.

    Daty, T. (2018). A Critique of Current Youth Drug Addiction Policy, EBP Quarterly, 3(2).

    Daty, T. (2018). New Report Provides Framework for Research-Informed Juvenile Probation, EBP Quarterly, 3(4).

    Daty, T. (2016). Incarceration: The Motherhood Effect. EBP Quarterly, 1(4).

    Dlugolenski, E. (2021). An Evaluation of Police Peer Support: Advancing Officer Health and Wellness. National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Law Enforcement Advancing Data Science (LEADS) Journal.

    DeCarlo, J., Jenkins, M.J., & Dlugolenski, E. (2021). Introduction to Police Science. Kendall Hunt Publishing.

    Kringen, J. A., Sedelmaier, C. M., & Dlugolenski, E. (2020). Foot Patrol: The Impact of Continuity, Outreach, and Traditional Policing Activities. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 14(1), 218-227.

    Morgan, C.A., Dule, J., & Rabinowitz, Y. (2020). The Impact of Interrogation Stress on Compliance and Suggestibility in U.S. Military Special Operations Personnel. Ethics, Medicine and Public Health, 14, 100499.

    Dule, J. (2020). Intelligence Led Policing. In Jeff Bumgarner and Carla Lewandowski (Eds.). Criminal Justice in America: The Encyclopedia of Crime, Law Enforcement, Courts, and Corrections.

    Dule, J. (2020). Book Review of The Irrational Terrorist and Other Persistent Terrorism Myths. ACJS Today.

    Dule, J., & Kringen, J. A. (2019). A Recidivism Analysis of Federal Support Court in Connecticut. United States Probation Contract.

    Dutcher, T. (2020b). Book review: The End of Policing. Theory in Action, 13(4), 185-190.

    Dutcher, T. (2020a). Book review: Killing with Prejudice: Institutionalized Racism in American Capital Punishment. Theory in Action, 13(3), 148-153.

    Dutcher, T. (2019). On the Criminalization of Homelessness. EBP Quarterly, 4(4), 10-19.

    Choi, K. S., Earl, K., Lee, J. R., & Cho, S. (2019). Diagnosis of cyber and non-physical bullying victimization: A lifestyles and routine activities theory approach to constructing effective preventative measures. Computers in Human Behavior, 92, 11-19.

    Kringen, J. A., Blair, J. P., Emigh, M. (2018). Pedagogical issues in criminal justice: Often-ignored problems with null hypothesis significance testing. ACJS Today, 43(3), 13-22.

    Corradini, M., Kringen, J.A., Simich, L., Berberich, K., & Emigh, M. (2018). Operation Streamline: No evidence that criminal prosecution deters migration. New York, NY: Vera Institute of Justice.

    Emigh, M. (2017). The efficacy of drug courts. EBP Quarterly, 2(2).

    Emigh, M. (2017). Whats promising in prisoner reentry? EBP Quarterly, 2(1).

    Geyer, P. (2020). Traveling at 1000 Feet per Second with Unalterable Consequences: How to Decrease Police Officer-Involved Shootings. EBP Quarterly, 5(2).

    Yaksic, E., Allred, T., Drakulic, C., Mooney, R., De Silva, R., Geyer, P., Wills, A., Comerford, C., & Ranger, R. (2020). How much damage do serial homicide offenders wrought while the innocent rot in prison? A tabulation of preventable deaths as outcomes of sentinel events. Psychology, Crime & Law.

    Geyer, P. (2019). Book Review: The Road to Murder: Why Driving Is the Occupation of Choice for Britains Serial Killers. Review of the book Why Driving Is the Occupation of Choice by Britains Serial Killers, by A. Lynew. ACJS Today, 45(1), 33-35.

    Geyer, P. (2019). Defining Serial Murder: The Importance of a Consistent Definition. ACJS Today, 45(1), 27-32.

    Gray Jr., K.E. & Waterman, D.P. (2019, March). The Terror Threat of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Techniques to Defend Against Them. Academy of Criminal Justice SciencePolice Section: Police Forum. 28(1), 4-12.

    Markovic, V. & Gray Jr., K. E. (2017). Revenge of Zarqawi: The Islamic State Attacks in Iran. E-International Relations.

    Greenberg, K. L. (2020). Attica Riot. In C. Lewandowski & J. Bumgarner (Eds.), Criminal Justice in America: The Encyclopedia of Crime, Law Enforcement, Courts, and Corrections (Vol. 1, pp. 23-26). ABC-CLIO.

    Greenberg, K. L. (2019). Body-Worn Cameras in State Correctional Agencies. EBP Quarterly, 4(2), 19-33.

    Greenberg, K. L. (2018). Evidence-Based Practices in Corrections: From On-Paper to the Front-Line. EBP Quarterly, 3(3).

    Greenberg, K. L. (2018). Book Review: Policing Sexual Offences and Sex Offenders. Review of the book Policing Sexual Offences and Sex Offenders, by T. Thomas. ACJS Today, 43(2), 14-17.

    Greenberg, K. L. (2018). Book Review: Alisa Roth, Insane: Americas Criminal Treatment of Mental Illness, ACJS Today, XLIV (5), 12-18.

    Greenberg, K. L. (2017). Sex Offender Risk, Recidivism, and Policy. EBP Quarterly, 2(4), 5-9.

    Inglis, M., & Tully, T. (2016). Elderly Prison Inmates: Specifying Priorities for Care and Staff Training. EBP Quarterly, 1(4).

    Tamborra, T. L., Baker, A. N., Jeffries, S., Tempio, M., & Campbell, E. (2020). Criminal Victimization Experienced While Studying Abroad: An Examination of Rates and Other Relevant Factors. Journal of Studies in International Education, 24(5), 573-588.

    Jeffries, S., Myers, D., & Kringen, A. (2018). Connecticut Project Safe Neighborhoods 2016 Youth Opportunity Initiative: Program Evaluation Report. Bureau of Justice Assistance Grant.

    Jeffries, S., Myers, D., & Kringen, J. (2017). Connecticut Project Safe Neighborhoods 2014 Youth Opportunity Initiative: Program Evaluation Report. Bureau of Justice Assistance Grant.

    Spano, R., David, M. A., Jeffries, S.R., & Bolland, J. M. (2017). Family matters: examining child abuse and neglect as family dysfunction for minority youth living in extreme poverty. Violence and Victims.

    Kaur, S. (2020). Potential Aftercare and Vacatur Laws for Survivors of Sex Trafficking. EBP Quarterly, 5(3).

    Kaur, S. (2019). [Book Review: Mary Bosworth, Alpa Parmar, and Yolanda Vazquez, Race, Criminal Justice, and Migration Control: Enforcing the Boundaries of Belonging]. ACJS Today, 45(4), 30-35.

    Kaur, S. (2018). Human Trafficking in the United States: Significance of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA). EBP Quarterly, 3(4).

    Lu, J. (2016). Prioritizing Untested Sexual Assault Kits by Victim-Offender Relationship. EBP Quarterly, 1(3).

    Regan, J. M., & Myers, D. L. (2020). Enhancing Community Safety through Urban Demolition: An Exploratory Study of Detroit, Michigan. Justice Policy Journal, 17(1), 1-24.

    Regan, J. M. (2019). The piracy terrorism paradigm: An interlinking relationship. Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression.

    Regan, J. M. (2017). Select terrorism theories. In T. Morris & M. Hadji-Janev, Countering Terrorism in South Eastern Europe (pp. 74-81). NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, 131. Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press BV.

    Robbins, T. G. (2020). Crime analysis as part of the evidence-based policing toolkit: Implementation, integration and practical use. EBP Quarterly, 5(1), 8-13.

    Robbins, T. G. (2020). Book review: Colin Rogers and Bernhard Frevel, Eds., Higher education and police: An international view. ACJS Today, 46(3), 29-33.

    Grieco, J., & Robbins, T. G. (2019). Officer-involved shooting situations, responses and data: An analysis of information from major city police agencies. Report to the National Police Foundation.

    Rojek, J., Nix, J., Wolfe, S., Alpert, G., Burch, J., Grieco, J., & Robbins, T. G. (2019). Analysis of 2018 use of deadly force by the Phoenix Police Department. Report to the National Police Foundation.

    Siller, S. (2020). Policing in the age of stochastic terrorism. ACJS Today, 46(3).

    Siller, S. (2017). Deinstitutionalization, mental health, and criminal populations: How the process of deinstitutionalization affected current incarceration rates of the mentally ill. EBP Quarterly, 2(2).

    Tosto, S. A., & Bonnes, S. (2022), "She clearly thought that something bad had happened to her: How military lawyers construct narratives of victim legitimacy and perceived harm in sexual assault cases. Armed Forces & Society, 0095327X221108526 [online first].

    Marcum, C. D., Higgins, G. E., Tsai, T. M., & Sedlacek, J. (2020). Exploration of Prosecutor Experiences with Non-consensual Pornography. Deviant Behavior, 1-13.

    Tully, T., & Inglis, M. (2018). Female Serial Killers: Motives, Case Studies, and a New Typology. Criminal Justice Research Review, 19(2), 45-51.

    Tully, T. (2017). The Relationship between Mental Illness and Criminality: A Review. ACJS Today, 42(5), 6-10.

    Tully, T., & Smith, M. (2015). Crisis Intervention Team Training: Officer Perceptions from a Large Connecticut Police Department. The Police Journal: Theory Practice and Principles, 88(1), 51-64.

    Vittorio, M. (2020). The Effectiveness and Future of Polygraph Testing. EBP Quarterly, 5(2).

    Hill, D., Rasmussen, C., Vittorio, M., & Myers, D. (2020). Red-flagging the leagues: the US Sports most in danger from match-fixing. Sport in Society, 1-19.

    Lopez-Ruiz, H. G., Blazquez, J., & Vittorio, M. (2020). Assessing residential solar rooftop potential in Saudi Arabia using nighttime satellite images: A study for the city of Riyadh. Energy Policy, 140, 111399.

    Shannak., S, & Vittorio, M. (2020). A Decision Support Tool for the Assessment of WaterEnergyFood Nexus in Saudi Arabia. In Food-Energy-Water Nexus Resilience and Sustainable Development (pp. 57-73). Springer.

    Wang, Y. (2020). Early interventions: More self-control, less crime? Evidence Based Professionals Quarterly, 5(2).

    Wang, Y. (2017). Class characteristic classification of test fired cartridge cases: A digital image decision tree approach to Kenningtons Matrix for initial stages of criminal investigation. Journal of Forensic Sciences & Criminal Investigation. 6. doi:10.19080/JFSCI.2017.06.555693.

    Wang, Y. (2017) Characteristic classification of test fired cartridge cases: A digital image decision tree approach to for initial stages of criminal investigation. Journal of Forensic Sciences & Criminal Investigation, 4.

    Wang, M. (2018). Inmate Furlough and BeyondA Question of Punishment or Rehabilitation. EBP Quarterly, 3(2).

    Yu, T. (2019) Tackle the Root Causes of Juvenile Delinquency: Family-Based Early Intervention. EBP Quarterly, 4(2).

    Yu, T. (2018). Book review: Chokehold: policing black men by Paul Butler. ACJS Today, 43(1), pp. 7-9.

    Yu, T. (2017). Employment and recidivism. EBP Quarterly, 2(4).

    Zielinska, E.K. (2019). Mindful or Suicidal: Recommendations for Improved Mental Health among Police Officers. EBP Quarterly, 4(2), 34-49.

    Zielinska, E.K. (2018). Suicide among College Students. EBP Quarterly, 3(3).

  • Recent Conference Presentations

    Dutton, L., & Klee, P. (2022). Gender Differences in Fatal DV Risk Factors and Services Received After a Police-Social Service Intervention. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV.

    Geyer, P., & Barnes-Ceeney, K. (2022). Utilizing Panopticism for Deterrence: How Do SkyWatch Surveillance Towers Fare? Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV.

    Espinoza, V. & Barnes-Ceeney, K. (2022). Gender in Genocide: Analyzing the Mental Health Needs of Female Rwandan Genocide Perpetrators. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV.

    Kaur, S., & Barnes-Ceeney, K. (2022). Is Human Trafficking the Next War on Drugs: Stakeholder Perceptions of Human Trafficking Prosecution. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV.

    Geyer, P., & Tcherni-Buzzeo, M. (2022). Teaching About Research Ethics: Two of the Most (In)famous Studies.. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV.

    Daty, T. (2021). Challenges to Criminal Justice Discourse - From Students to Faculty. . American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

    Tosto, S., Garrett, D., Klee, P., Oliver, A., Lawler, S., & Cooper, D. (2021). Diverting Youth during the First COVID-19 Surge: Work Experiences from Community-Based Diversion Service Providers.. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

    Geyer, P. & Barnes-Ceeney, K. (2021). Deterrence from a panoptic perspective? Beyond the anecdotal claims of SkyWatch surveillance towers crime reducing capabilities.. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

    Dutcher, T., & Barnes-Ceeney, K. (2021). Hanging on the telephone: The lived experience of men maintaining ties with incarcerated romantic partners.. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

    Daty, T., Myers, D., & Kringen, J. A. (2020). An Evaluation of the Newhallville Safe Neighborhood Initiative (New Haven, Connecticut). American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. (Conference cancelled due to COVID-19)

    Daty, T. (2018). Policy Interventions for Youth Drug Addiction. Northeastern Association of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Portsmouth, RI.

    Daty, T. (2017). Illicit Drug Use Among LGBT Youth. Northeastern Association of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Portsmouth, RI.

    David, M. A. (2017, June). Mental Illness and Police Strategies for Detecting Deception. Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Association of Criminal Justice Sciences. Portsmouth, RI.

    Dule, J. (upcoming). The Impact of Media on Mental Health Following Terrorism and Mass Shootings. Presentation will be presented at the biannual meeting of International Academy of Law and Mental Health. Lyon, France (July 4-9, 2021).

    Dule, J. (2020, November). Characteristics of Digital News Reporting of Terrorism and Mass Shootings Attacks in the U.S. Accepted for presentation at the Annual Meeting of American Society of Criminology. Washington, D.C. (Conference canceled due to COVID19)

    Myers, D., Dule, J., Earl, K., Wang, M., & Daty, T. (2018, November). An Evaluation of Federal Support Courts in Connecticut, presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

    Dule, J. (2018, June). The Necessity of Public/Private Partnerships in an Effort to Follow the Money. Northeastern Association of Criminal Justice Sciences, Portsmouth, RI.

    Dutcher, T., & Barnes-Ceeney, K. (2020). Punishment creep and mistrust: Reflections on criminal justice legitimacy by men with incarcerated spouses. Presented at Western Association of Criminal Justice Virtual Conference.

    Dutcher, T., & Barnes-Ceeney, K. (2020). Standing to Face the ties that bind: Understanding the experiences of men with an incarcerated spouse. Presented at University of New Haven Graduate Student Showcase, West Haven, CT.

    Dutcher, T. (2020). Creating folk devil apostates: A recrafting of Cohens folk devil model. Presented at University of London School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS) Annual Conference, London, UK.

    Earl, K., Geyer, P., & Barnes-Ceeney, K. (2019, November). Drunken Boaters: An Analysis of BUI Arrests & Alcohol-Related Boating Deaths in Connecticut, presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

    Earl, K., & Myers, D. (2019, March). An Evaluation of a Juvenile Justice Leadership Development Program, presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

    Earl, K., Lee, J., Cho, S. (2018, November). Diagnosis of Cyber and Non-Physical Bullying Victimization: A Routine Activities Approach to Constructing Effective Preventive Measures, presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

    Earl, K., & Markovic, V. (2018, March). III Percenters: A Threat to Society? presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

    Earl, K. (2017, November). Issues of Contemporary Drug Markets: The Impact of Darknets on Drug Use among College Students, presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

    Earl, K. (2016, November). Cyber-bullying Victimization and Cyber Routine Activities Theory: A Qualitative Approach to Prevention, presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

    Petrosino, A., Fronius, T., Guckenburg, S., Persson, H., & Earl, K. (2016, November). The Effects of School-Based Law Enforcement Programs: A Systematic Review, presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

    Emigh, M. (2018, November). Trends in homicide 1980-2015, presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA.

    Emigh, M., & Kringen, J.A. (2017, November). The impact of Operation Streamline on federal court caseloads, presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Philadelphia, PA.

    Emigh, M. (2017, June). The utility of forensic evidence in stranger perpetrated crimes, presented at the Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Providence, RI.

    Emigh, M., & Schroeder, D. J. (2017, March). The utility of forensic evidence in the absence of eyewitness reports, presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Kansas City, MO

    Fitch, M., Hayton, A., & Kot, E. (2017, November). Uber safe: A look at the impact of geo-hailed cabs on risk of driver robberies in Philadelphia, presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

    Geyer, P. (2019, November). A movable eye in the sky? SkyWatch surveillance towers as a panoptic deterrent apparatus, presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

    Giarrusso, S. J. & Cooper, D. T. (2018, November). An Inventory of Juvenile Justice Curriculum in the Largest Criminal Justice/Criminology in the US, presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA.

    Giarrusso, S. J. & Cooper, D. T. (2017, November). Exploring Racial Disparities in Juvenile Justice Processing, presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Philadelphia, PA.

    Giarrusso, S. J. & Cooper, D. T. (2017, March). Discussing the Status of Juvenile Justice Education through Course Offerings & Concentrations, presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Kansas City, MO

    Giarrusso, S. J., Elink-Schuurman-Laura, K., & Schroeder, D. (2015, November). Forensic Evidence: Which Technology is the Most Beneficial to the Investigative Process? Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Washington, D.C.

    Gray, K. (2018, March). Assault by motor vehicles: The evolving nature of terror attacks, presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

    Greenberg, K., Yu, T., Zielinska, E., Kringen, A.L., and Robbins, T.G. (2019, November). Deconstructing Police Departments Personnel Policies: Challenges to Recruiting Women. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 13-17.

    Jeffries, S. (2018, November). Examining Youths Confinement in State-Run Facilities through a Systematic Review of Videos and Incident Reports, presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

    Jeffries, S. (2017, November). Examining Race and Recidivism among Connecticut Youth Formerly in Congregate Care, presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA

    Jeffries, S. (2017, June). Rape as a Weapon of War: An Unrelenting Epidemic, presented at Northeast Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Portsmouth, RI.

    Jeffries, S. (2017, February). Gender Justice: New York State Permanent Commission on Justice for Children Peer-to-Peer Learning, presented at CT Juvenile Matters Court, New Haven, CT.

    Regan, J. (2018, November). The Maritime Piracy Index, presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

    Regan, J. (2018, April). Urban Demolition: A Crime Control Mechanism in Detroit, Michigan, presented at the Association of American Geographers, New Orleans, LA.

    Regan, J. (2018, February). Dimensions of Maritime Terrorism, presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA .

    Regan, J. (2017, August). Understanding Abu Sayyaf from a Quantitative Lens, presented at the Society for Terrorism Research, New York City, NY.

    Regan, J. (2017, April). State Weakness and the Threat of Terrorism: A Longitudinal and Global Perspective, presented at the Association of American Geographers, Boston, MA.

    Regan, J. (2017, March). Forecasting Incidents of Maritime Piracy: A Global Approach, presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO.

    Robbins, T.G., Grieco, J., Amendola, K.L., and Johnson, J.P. (2019, November). National Law Enforcement Applied Research and Data Platform. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 13-17.

    Siller, S. (2020, November). Characteristics of the Domestic Extremist Over Time. Paper Accepted. American Criminology Society Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.. (Conference cancelled due to COVID-19)

    Siller, S. (2020, March). Modern Characteristics and Antecedent Activities of Domestic Extremists. Paper Accepted. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX. (Conference cancelled due to COVID-19)

    Siller, S. (2019, March). Pre-incident Activities of Terrorist Perpetrators in the U.S. Paper Presentation. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

    Siller, S. (2016, November). Suicide Bombers. Poster Presentation. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

    Siller, S. (2015, March). Identifying Sex Offenders at a Glance: Community Attitudes and Perceptions of Sex Offenders, Poster Presentation. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.

    Tully, T. (2018, November). The Impact of Juvenile Mental Health, Family Factors, and Substance Use on Recidivism in Adolescence and Early Adulthood: Analysis of the Pathways to Desistance Data, presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

    Tully, T., Inglis, M., Shukla, R., & Myers, D. (2017, November). The Challenges of Publication in Teaching/Service Focused University Environments, presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

    Vittorio M., & Hitzeman J. (2020, June). Exploring the Spatial Relationships of Crime by Utilizing GIS (presented remotely). Invited presentation for the Esri International User Conference.

    Wang, Y. (2017). Rapid Detection of Saliva Presence Using the Test: A Comparative Study of Three Common Bra Materials and Sealed Envelopes, presented at the Scientific Meeting the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, New Orleans, LA.

    Zielinska, E., Ndrecka, M., & Myers, D. (2018, November). Towards an Understanding of Radicalization: Risk and Factors of Radicalization of Individuals in the United States, presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.